Material Handling

Sioux Falls 1.605.334.7131 Rapid City 1.605.342.6739

Dock Loading Lights

Dock illumination Products

Maintain a safe dock area with dock illumination and signal lights. Dock illumination lights are designed to provide uniformed visibility inside trailers and in dock areas, promoting personnel safety and careful freight handling. Signal and traffic communication signal lights prevent accidents and injuries by providing clear communication between dock personnel and truck drivers.

Gooseneck Dock LightDock Illumination Lights

Dock loading lights feature extendable arms to point into a truck trailer’s dark areas and corners, minimizing unnecessary freight damage, miss-ships, or even worker injury. Depending on the dock set up and type of traffic, facilities can choose the style of lamp heads or the arm design that works best in each dock area.

Lamp  Options: Heavy Duty LED, Metal LED, Polycarbonate LED, Metal Incandescent/Halogen, Polycarbonate Incandescent,  & High Pressure Sodium

Arm Options: